Driver’s License Hearings at the Utah DLD
Good People Do Dumb Things Sometimes--Shoplifting Is One of Those Things
When folks charged with shoplifting first talk about it with a defense attorney, they often start out by saying, "So, I did something really dumb, and I feel really bad about it..."
It's interesting. I don't often hear this prelude from people charged with assault, or drug possession, or criminal mischief, or DUI even, but the results of those crimes can be just as serious, if not more so. I have yet to represent someone in a murder charge, but when I do, I doubt very much that our first meeting will include the client's sheepish admission that he kinda messed up and feels really bad about it. What is it about shoplifting that makes people feel especially ashamed and remorseful, or just especially willing to admit to those feelings?

DUI Without the “D”
Ok, you might think that if there’s one thing abundantly clear about the charge of Driving Under the Influence, it’s that, to be guilty, you must be 1) Driving, 2) Under, 3) the Influence. But you would be mistaken.

The Difference Between Driving Under the Influence and Impaired Driving in Utah
According to Google, "what is the difference between DUI and DWI?" is one of the most popular what-is-the-difference-between questions, just slightly less common than "between greek yogurt and regular" and slightly ahead of"between a wasp and a hornet." In any case, it's one of the biggies. Not bad for a rather subtle legal distinction, really. The difference between recklessness and criminal negligence is probably much more important to the field of criminal law, but no-one seems to care about that!